Delta Products

Made with the highest quality ingredients you're sure to have a pleasant experience every time! You can find the best edible option for your particular needs. We offer a wide selection of gummies, chocolates, seltzers, cookies, and more in a variety of flavors and strengths. 



Our Most Popular Brands

Take in the uplifting, mood-boosting benefits of sought-after delta-8 THC, a unique form of hemp-derived THC that takes you to that mellowed-out sweet spot. Koi Delta 8 THC Gummies provide a consistent mg of delta-8 per gummy to put you in that laid-back weekend vibe. Choose from seven delicious fruit flavors, and get ready for much-needed relaxation.


Wide variety of Delta-8 and Delta-10 gummies from the leader of Delta gummies. If you’re looking for legitimate products to start dipping into the world of Delta-8 the right way, shop our collection now and let us know if you have any questions!